The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

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Astrocartography and Human Design

Astrocartography and Human Design

Did you know that you could travel to change your astrology?


AstroCartography is a type of locational astrology - which allows you to view your natal chart spread over a map of the world. 


Each place on the map carries its own planetary medicine and astrological energy for you - all helping us in different ways to come home to the highest version of ourselves. 


Using the AstroCartography in combination with our Human Design, we can find the best places to live, work, love, study, have adventures... and lots more.

Using both, we can tune in to the most aligned places on earth for YOU…

Imagine if...

  • You had a map showing you the most aligned and supportive places for you to live and travel to in the world.

  • You could deepen your connection to the land. 

  • You could feel truly at home and connect with your people. 

  • You had a tool you could use to find the perfect place to attend a retreat, plan a relaxing getaway, find your next dream home, write the book you’ve always dreamed of, plan a business launch… 

  • And much more!

Now imagine knowing how that would look and feel for you because you know your Human Design too.

This is What We'll Cover:

  • What is Astro-cartography and how can you use it in life. 

  • What are the different lines and what do they mean. 

  • An introduction to how AstroCartography works with your natal chart. 

  • Some ways you can use AstroCartography in your life, even if you can’t travel.

  • How to use Human Design in combination with Astrocartography

  • What flavor your unique Human Design can bring to your experience with different places on the map.


About Ellie & Korynn

Ellie Cleary worked in travel and tourism for 15 years before the spiritual path found her, and she trained to become an astrologer and embodiment coach. She is formerly the founder of two travel websites, including one on travel to India, which is where she still spends half of her time. 


Ellie’s passion is in helping her clients come home - both through finding their place in the world, and through the inner journey that takes us through reclaiming the parts of ourself that have been forgotten. 

 Ellie is a 6/2 Reflector who currently lives between two of her Jupiter lines.

Korynn Elliott is a 2/4 Splenic Projector, Founder of the Mind-Body Human Design School, a Gene Keys Guide, and a Root Cause Practitioner.

Korynn has been working with Human Design systems for over 10 years and with Mind-Body Medicine for 15+ years.

Korynn, a lover of travel and a true ecstatic, lives in Hawaii on her Saturn IC line and two islands away from her Jupiter IC line.



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Human Design Money Keys™ - The Guidebook