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Human Design Money Archetypes™

Human Design Money Archetypes™

When we’re trying to understand our relationship, emotions, patterns, behaviors, reactions, and actions around money, there are many things we can take into consideration.

Our money history and our stories, our cultural conditioning, our fears, and our traumas are a few big things.

Human Design can also show you some of the archetypal influences that affect your relationship with money. Here, I’m sharing about how your Human Design Type can be an indicator of how you can interact with money in a way that comes most naturally to you (and possibly brings you the most ease and prosperity with it).

Grab a copy of your Human Design chart and let’s get started.

But first, a Disclaimer: These are not the “only” ways that each person can thrive in their relationship with money. Your Type is just a part of the story, and you can experience this differently than other people who also have the same Type. There are many other archetypes and influences that can come into play—we’ll get to know those later. For now, knowing your Type can be a great place to start, but don’t let it box you in. Think of it more like a home base that you can always return to whenever you feel like you’ve explored too far beyond your own unique capacity.

The Manifestor and Money

True to their name, Manifestors tend to be really good at “manifesting” or creating money. This may seem too simplistic or obvious, but it simply can’t be better explained. When a Manifestor locks-in to an idea that they’re truly inspired by or excited about, and they pursue it with focus, all of the chips tend to fall into place. It doesn’t always happen easily or quickly, but it almost always will happen. It may seem as if Manifestors can create money out of thin air, but really it’s their potent creative energy, focused attention on the things that feel right for them, and their strong intention that gets the money energy flowing.

The Reflector and Money

Reflectors experience the most ease with money when they’re open to receiving it. Because of their openness (they have no defined centers), they’re in a prime position to receive. This requires trust, being available for the right kind of support, and having really good boundaries. As we know, the act of receiving can be vulnerable for many of us, but when a Reflector feels safe and open to receiving (doesn’t feel unsafe or guarded), and is in the right environment, with the right people…receiving money (and opportunities that generate money for them) comes most naturally to them.

The Projector and Money

Projectors tend to be very good at managing energy and guiding the flow of energy. Money is a form of energy. Some Projectors feel like they have to do so much to make money, while their focus should often be less focused on generating money and more so on directing the flow of it. Projectors are also naturally very good at mastering systems, so this could look like creating or facilitating a system for growing their money (or others’ money) without having to do all the work themselves. Also, recognizing that these are very high value skills (that not everyone has) will give the Projector more confidence to embrace their natural abilities and open them up to receiving more money for them.

The Generator and Money (includes Manifesting Generators)

Also true to their name, Generators are good at “generating” money. What does this mean? When a Generator feels a deep sense of fulfillment or purpose in what they’re doing, they seemingly have all the energy in the world to put in the hours, to do the things that have to get done, and to serve the needs of others that need serving. When they’re in this flow with their efforts (and they’re open to receiving and enjoying the fruits of them), and when they’re grounded in a sense of self-worth and knowing that we’re all worthy of doing what feels good and most natural to us, then “making” money almost becomes inevitable for Generators.


Now over to you. Which Type are you and what information about your Type and money will you take to heart?

Remember, you’re a multi-faceted human being and there’s a lot more to you than just your Human Design Type. But, hopefully, if you’re ever feeling a little insecure about money or your relationship to it, know that you can come back to this information and re-ground yourself in what tends to come most naturally to you at a fundamental, energetic level.

Always remember this: you are valuable, in your own beautiful and unique way. And the world needs you to be you. That’s your only job.

With love,



Learn how to read Human Design Money Archetypes™ when you Become a Level 3 Human Design Reader.


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